Tuesday, February 9


So all last week Brynadee was a BEAR!!!!!! I thought she was just getting her eye teeth and being really mean and moody, people say they are the worst. She also had a little bit of a fever all week.
All weekend we were around my whole family, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc....so she woke up yesterday with little red dots all over her tummy and back. So my first thought is that she is getting chicken pox!!! Well come to find out she has roseola. There is nothing you can do for it, just make Brynadee as comfortable as possible.
We exposed all of the little kids to it. SORRY!!! I guess they are contagious before they even have any symptoms. She at least isn't as cranky, we just have to stay in the house, not to expose her to anyone else.

1 comment:

Kassi Luck said...

I hope she gets feeling better soon!