Monday, January 11

I'm a BIG girl now!!!

So we decided to get Brynadee into a big girl bed before the new baby gets here......WELL lets just say the first night was ROUGH!!! We put her to bed and she just kept coming into our room, so we would take her back and she would just crawl right back out of bed...well this went on until midnight, then she finally gave in, BUT she came right back into our room at 4:30 so Weston went to bed with her and slept in her bed until 7.

So the next night we just locked her in her room and this how we found her after she was done crying her eyes out.


Kassi Luck said...

Love it! THose are great pictures!! Dont you remember at moms, I put a gate up at the doorway, so Daysen couldnt get out.

Courtney & Cameron said...

wow that is so funny! That's great she's in a big girls bed now I hope she'll start sleeping all night for you guys soon so you can get some rest. way cute pic!!!

Binghams said...

I cant believe it she is already 1 1\2 going on 8. lol. how is her potty training going? i just wonder to see if I should start Gracy. good luck with the big girl bed.

Summerhays Family said...

Oh the joys! I bet when she gets older she will lover her room by herself!